It may seem I am doing minimal work here these days. That's sort of true but only because I'm busy moving post by post over to my new Blogspot account. It's painstakingly slow and tedious. So much so that I wanted to quit today, but my taskmaster middle-born prodded me onward. Talk about "what goes around, comes around"!

Why am I moving?

I need a place where all of my posts are on one thread. I love that I can compartmentalize everything here, giving me a tidy and organized site. But unless you look, you won't find new posts. For those who have the site in a reader, you likely see only blog posts which aren't the bulk of what I share. With the new format, you can see it all.

While I'm not big on Pinterest, I've been told by a dear friend that I must be. : )  As she explains it, my posts now are like newspaper articles. People read them once. End of story. With pinning, they can be saved and shared for a long time.
Blogspot will make that easier, although the process of making pictures to pin will take me a long, laborious, agonizing while. (End of whining.)

I will continue to keep this site active for now, but if you would like to watch the building process, feel free to join me over here.

Wherever you visit, would you mind doing me a favor? I tend to be an introvert, but I like a little noise. If you have used a lesson successfully or your student has a piece to share or you have a suggestion, would you please leave a comment?
I'd appreciate it.
1/17/2014 12:58:51 pm

Oh yea!!!! Just added you to my blog roll. Now I won't miss anything!!


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